Those kayakers who wish to surf, snorkel, maybe light diving and for any one who is looking for a fast recreational sit-on-top should certainly consider the Ocean Kayak Scrambler 11. Garage Storage – Hard to find a place to keep it because it is so long.Very inexpensive(4 to 12 bucks for a pair) but still need it. Scupper Stopper – You still need to buy a Scupper Stopper to plug some or all of the drain holes if you don’t want to get too wet.

It's a nice little fishing vessel for kayaking newbees, and occassional paddlers. This little floater is great for glass-calm waters, and handles pretty well going bow-first, headlong into moderate winds and bay chop. I purchased an Ocean Kayak Scrambler early in Spring (2006). Weight – It is light enough for one person to transport. Ocean Kayak Caper Sit-On-Top Kayak 623.99 Was: 779.99 250.00 shipping NEW Ocean Kayak Comfort Zone Seat 122.99 7.99 shipping 27 watching Expedition Sea Kayak, 17 ft, NW Kayak Cadence + rudder, cover, spray skirt, 977. OCEAN KAYAK (SOT Scrambler XT angler edition).Storage – Love the Hatch and the Bungee webbing.Brand – Ocean, Cobra and Hobie are the best brands out there.Looks – It really looks like a real kayak, doesn’t look like a cheap toy.It is in the ideal middle ground of being priced for quality, without having to rob a bank to buy one. Price – It isn’t as pricey as a Hobie Mirage nor is it as inexpensive as a Pelican.Obviously, the narrow, sleek and long bodies of the Sea Kayaks are unmatched with regard to speed, but compared to other Plastic Kayaks, this is longer, narrower and sleeker than most. Speed – It isn’t the fastest Kayak, nor is it the slowest.The Design of the Bow and Stern are excellent for directional control.

Tracking – It tracks straight so you don’t have to expend any energy keeping it straight.It will be very difficult to tip this over unless you have very poor balance. Stability – This is long enough so that you aren’t bobbing up and down.Renowned Tri-Form hull for stability, tracking and maneuverability.Built-in ergonomic bow and stern handles.The perfect choice for the paddler who wants to surf a little, fish a little or just cruise around. Packed with features like solid lifting handles, provision for an oval storage hatch, storage bucket hatch to name a few.

The hugely versatile Ocean Kayak Scrambler 11 is probably the ultimate family sit-on-top (single).